McKenzie Patton

Howdy! Are you looking for the details?  I'm probably the one that has them! I like to think I'm one of those people whose passion is to help clients get what they really want and on the schedule they need it. Details are great, and I'm ALL about them (as you can tell) ...however finding creative ways to get to the heart and soul of a successful project are what makes me tick!  I grew up in church, volunteering and learning how to work with teams and schedules. I also used this to my advantage when I worked in the corporate world of retail production where meeting timelines are everything. All of that experience set me up perfectly to be a Project Manager with DV.  A little more about me: I'm a country girl thru and thru - you ask me a lyric, I'll name the song AND artist! I'm fun, fun-ny (debatable if you ask my co-workers :), and love to get things done. My husband, 18-month-old daughter and I currently live on the West side where I work remotely for DV, but have also lived on the East side in Cle Elum and Ellensburg as well. I feel so fortunate to be with a company that really complements my passion!

Personal Brand: Don’t live in the grey!