Micah Binfet

I grew up shooting home videos with my parent's old JVC tape camcorder. I eventually graduated to dumb prank videos with my cousins on a point-and-shoot camera (I’m glad those don’t exist anymore). I realized videography could be a career when Cody and Eric helped my multimedia production class in high school create a spirit video for the school district. I knew there would be no better place to start than Digital Vendetta. I will do whatever it takes to get the perfect shot, even if it means hanging out the back of a car, flying a drone from a moving vehicle, or rolling through busy streets on a one-wheel with a camera in my hands. I’m very thankful for all our clients who allow me to create badass videos to strengthen their brand. When I'm not waggling a camera and mashing a keyboard, I'm snowboarding, driving fast cars, and playing with legos.

Personal Brand: 50% artist, 25% daredevil, and 25% robot.